Wednesday 13 May 2015

Outer Hebrides Recording Extravaganza 2015: Part Two

Alison and Oli looking for Erophila
More reports coming in from Paul Smith and his merry band of botanists on North Uist. The other day they were up a hill looking at Wild Garlic and now they are exploring a different and distinctively Hebridean habitat, the machair.  

Paul says "We've spent a few days on the sand dunes looking at little annuals on the machair, including Erophila and Saxifraga tridactylites

Cerastium semidecandrum
"Oli [Pescott] has also been doing a start turn finding things, and has turned up good believable Cerastium semidecandrum, a bit doubtfully known from vc110 beforehand."

Oli has been working so hard as one of the key players behind the new National Plant Monitoring Scheme, so it's great to hear that he's getting a bit of a break away from his computer and his day job at CEH. It's always good to get out in the field! 

Paul has also tipped me off about a really exciting discovery made by Oli, so I'll be posting that in a few days, along with pictures. Watch this space! 

Trying very hard not to be jealous about the lovely scenery they are seeing while botanising...

Paul photographing Cerastium semidecandrum

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